Application Form An error has occurred!

Personal information

(Fields marked with * must be filled in!)

Allowed formats: PDF|DOCX|PPTX|JPG|PNG|ZIP, maximum total size of all documents: 8 MB.
Covering letter (optional), CV, certificates, diplomas
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Further information

To conclude please tell us how you were referred to Bucher Hydraulics

Data protection
Please fill in all fields marked with * !

Data protection statement

In order to take care of your online application we collect, process and use the personal data provided by you. We will of course treat your data confidentially and in compliance with the general data protection rules. Your application will be processed and stored in a Bucher Hydraulics application database for the exclusive purpose of treating your application. You are at any time entitled to inform yourself about your personal data and we will provide any information you might wish to have about the nature of the data we collect. We kindly ask you to notify us in case you wish to change, complete or cancel your application.You may either send a mail to the address indicated in the application or contact the person mentionned there. By sending your application you give your consent for your data to be processed.

Data will be transmitted
Transfer files:
Process data:
Thank you for your interest in our company.

Shortly you will receive a confirmation email.

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You can also send us your application documents to the following e-mail address:

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